Monday, May 4, 2009

The Last Word Blog

I pride this class on being able to make me see something I never thought I'd see in myself: prejudice.

I mean, prejudice in inside all of us, the catch is that we don't always see it, or just choose not to see it. But this class has caused me to take a very pervasive look into myself and see my own prejudices. I knew I had them, and then I realized which ones I had, and I was surprised to see that I even had them.

I was surprised to find that I actually do get mad if I lose to a girl. When I see a gathering of African-Americans in the inner city I think "gang". Now, that may be true, but it also might not be true. 132

This class opened me up to the thought process, it opened up my mind to my own prejudice. This isn't something people are usually comfortable about opening up about, because it causes them to come face-to-face with who they are as a person. When we get a good look in the mirror, sometimes we don't like what we will see, and therein lies the inherent fear of opening ourselves up to such self-evaluation and scrutiny. 211

But it's not all bad. With these realizations, if made with the right mindset, comes the ability and desire to change and alter your outlook on race and gender relations for the better.

I have addressed topics in this class that I had seldom thought I'd ever address my entire life, and I know that sounds cheesy but there's no other way to describe it. Somehow I have the feeling that I will leave this class a much more mindful and knowledgeable media student than when I entered. 300

I didn't have very many expectations for this class when I first enrolled in it. I thought I would be learning about all of the subjects stated in the class's title. What I received was a look into these subjects but also, as previously mentioned, a look into myself.

There was a time initially when I didn't like what I saw, but it gave me the opportunity to realize where I was lacking tolerance-wise and ensure I took progressive steps to better it. Don't get me wrong, I was never so racist or sexist that I hated women and minorities, I just worked on the tiny little hidden racisms and sexisms that hiding in all of us, not necessarily though our own fault but through the conditioning of our own society. 433

I really enjoyed all of the blogging opportunities we have had this semester. It's been truly an eye-opening experience, and has officially turned me onto the rest of the blogging scene for the frist time. I wouldn't have thought about it unless I had blogged for this class first, so I suppose I have that part of my life to thank this class for now. 499

We mentioned much earlier in class how we all need to step out of our boxes, our comfort zones, and try on a new life outlook that may force us to act a little uncomfortably than we were used to. No one likes to discover any kind of flaw within themselves. No matter how much we will never be, we all strive for perfection, especially perfection in ourselves. After all, we can always polish an external form of weakness, but internal ones aren't so simple to fine-tune.

So I hope I can take what I learned from his class and use it become a much more open-minded and welcoming member of the media. In this constant world of changing fields and fluid ethics, it's always important to keep one's moral compass pointed in the right direction, and I will use what I learned here to aid me in not being biased or prejudiced, and I want to thank Monica for the opportunity to do so.

Thank you.

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